I charge $200 for the first hour and $100 for every hour after. There is no limit for how many photos I deliver. I try my best to give you the most photos and best quality for the time you paid for. If you want all the RAW photos too, it's no problem and NO extra charge! I love the reaction I get when someone recieves over 100 edits for just a one hour session.
The process is simple. schedule a date, time and details of what you'd like photographs of, exchange ideas, show up and have a good time. I'm very open to suggestions and don't mind leading, taking the time to listen and try things your way. I always prepare by pre-shooting locations beforehand so there's no second guessing in my work. This optimizes time to get as many photos as possible. I've posed hundreds of clients and I'm as well rounded as a photographer can get. There isn't a single thing I dislike about my job, except missing an opportunity. I love every step of the process and I can only hope it shows through my work. You're in good hands.
Nothing. If you want nice photos for it, I can shoot it. I am as well rounded as a photographer can get, an expert in all things photography. Grad, family, maternity, products, food (will not work for food) real estate, newborns, pets (will work for puppies) Drone, sports, extreme sports etc.